At present the priority area of the Foundation’s activities is the protection of the Bialowieza Forest.
Our activities within this area include:
– monitoring the management of the Bialowieza Forest, both – by analyzing information obtained by foresters as well as by regular patrols of the Porests to evaluate the scale, location and compliance of tle logging with the regulations which are in force in the Forest;
– correspondence with the institutions influencing the management of the Forest – especially the UNESCO Secretariat and the European Commission;
– analysis and publication of monitoring results of forest management e.g.:
– participation in natural forest inventories (especially Białowieża forest species such as insects, mosses and lichens) and publication of the results in the specialized journals and using them for planning documents such as Natura 2000 conservation plan or forest management plan;
– informing the public about the condition of the Forest through: cooperation with the largest domestic and foreign media like AFP, Al. Jazeera, Reuters, The Guardian;
– the use of collected and analyzed data on the need of lectures at scientific conferences (also in the Polish government);
– participation in public consultations of documents related to Forest management such as Natura 2000 conservation plan or forest management plan;
– participation in meetings of the advisory bodies of the forest management institutions, such as the Forest Scientific and Social Council of the Białowieża Forest Promotional Complex, Regional Council for Nature Conservation, formerly the Scientific Council of the Bialowieza National Park.
Adam Bohdan
Coordinator for Białowieża Primeval Forest
Vice Chairman of the board
532 284 313
Dawid Kaźmierczak
Chairman of the board
697 583 699
Mariusz Duchewicz
Vice Chairman of the board
Head Office:
Teremiski 12
17-230 Białowieża